+91 (730) 420-2202

Features Of Metal Vepar

MV provide unique features


Post "Buy" or "Sell" leads

For any product or service to all members on the platform and receive calls directly for further negotiation. This service is totally free of charge for all "Subscribed Members", and Metal Vepar does not indulge in any negotiations or sharing of any information regarding any deal.

Buyer's Club

Which is an exclusive club for all Buyers on the app. Interested buyers can share their requirements which we will fulfil as a managed service. This service eliminates the need to make multiple postings and await responses. SB will act as agents and connect with all Sellers on its database to fulfil these requirements. We basically will act as Sourcing Agents. This service will entail charges.

Auction Service

For any company desiring to sell its Non-Moving Inventory at attractive prices. SB will hold Live Auctions every weekend and help recover capital blocked in Non-Moving Inventory. This is a chargeable service.

Brand Management Service

Where we will present & digitally market your Company/Products/Brand to our members. This service will entail charges but benefit your Company/Brand through excellent visibility and recall.

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